

Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 15, 2015

Welcome to my blog, "Streams in the Valley".

I have dedicated this space to chronicle the experiences of my battle against my unseen foe and formidable opponent, the big "c"... cancer. As far as background, I went in for my first colonosocopy in October, and as I awakened from the procedure, while lying there on the gurney in the examination room, I heard those words that no one ever wants or expects to hear. " I am sorry. You have cancer."

Immediately, words and terms I never wanted to include in my vocabulary slipped out from lips of doctors, floating on air, surrounding me and invading my mind sounding like alien monotone gibberish. But it was real. In an instant, I went from excitedly planning where my husband and I would lunch together after a long preparatory fast, to a free fall through space and time.
Much has happened since that day, much that I will share in later posts.
But the journey for me has begun.

As far as the title I chose for my blog, it references a passage from Isaiah 43:19, but with a little twist.

       See, I am doing a new thing!
        Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
       I am making a way in the desert
         and streams in the wasteland.

God provides streams in the desert. I love the imagery of refreshing, cool satisfying water in a dry parched wasteland or desert. It speaks to his abundant provision for his people in need.

Since I am privileged to live in the northeast surrounded by rolling green mountains which rise at the edge of a sizable lake, I thought "streams in the valley" was descriptive of my location and quite fitting. So I tweaked the title just a bit.

We journey through life by way of  hills and plains and mountaintops and valleys.
And God leads us every step of the way.

He has called me to walk in this strange valley of affliction for a time, as he has called many others before me, and will call many more in the future.
 Yet I am assured that he has ordained this path for me because He has many lessons to teach me in the process.
It is my desire to use this space to share with my readers not only an update on my status and treatments as they progress, but more importantly, those things which bring me comfort, and hope and strength as I proceed.

I happened upon this hymn just today, and I was awed by the appropriateness of the lyrics.

Jesus draw me ever nearer
As I labour through the storm.
You have called me to this passage,
and I'll follow though I'm worn.

May this journey bring a blessing,
May I rise on wings of faith;
And at the end of my heart's testing,
with your likeness let me wake.

Jesus guide me through the tempest;
Keep my sprint staid and sure.
When the midnight meets the morning,
Let me love You even more.

Let the treasures of this trial
Form within me as I go-
And at the end of this long passage,
Let me leave them at your throne.

"Jesus draw me ever nearer" by Lindsey Graham Ministrieswelcome

Until next time, Blessings!
Feel free to comment and share your thoughts with me! I love to hear from you!



  1. Thank you for loving us enough to share your journey and God's working. XO

  2. Beautiful post! Your blog title closely resembles the title of one of Lee's favorite devotion books: Streams In The Desert by LB Cowman. Looking forward to following you!

  3. Bravo. It's difficult to be vulnerable, but much strength comes from it. Your words will bless us and others that need to see where your strength and hope comes from.

  4. Third time is the charm..should post now. Leslie, "Streams in the Desert" is one of my favorite devotionals. Kudos to you for taking this first step to blog your journey. May you find this journal to be a way of sharing your journey, venting, reaching out for help, etc. May you find this journal to be a source of comfort & strength for you & your family. May this journal be a catalyst for prayers for you. I know many friends who have used a caring bridge journal and it was a source of comfort & encouragement for them & their families.Also a source of inspiration to all who read it. May you continue to be " upheld by His righteous right hand".

  5. This is a great way to process events and emotions that you are going through! I find it very helpful to journal myself. I am sure others will be blessed also as they read. I love that hymn and I could hear it as I read it. We will continue to pray. Love you!

  6. Yes. Streams in the Desert is resource that I tweaked for my title.
    Such a great encouragement.
    Thank you all for your comments!

  7. So glad that a year later you are in good health and in a much better state. The Lord certainly sustained b you and your family thru the past year. May He continue to richly bless you & Neal. Maribeth

  8. So glad that a year later you are in good health and in a much better state. The Lord certainly sustained b you and your family thru the past year. May He continue to richly bless you & Neal. Maribeth
